Wellness is more than being free from illness. It is both the journey & the destination in the opposite direction of illness.
It is a multi-dimensional holistic self-directed journey towards attaining your highest possible potential.
Each dimension of wellness contributes to our own overall sense of wellness and life satisfaction. Although, one dimension may seem more at balance compared to others at different times, it is important to maintain harmony in all. Each dimension can affect and influence the other and the neglect of any one dimension for any length of time can have an adverse effect one's overall well-being.
Each dimension of wellness contributes to our own overall sense of wellness and life satisfaction. Although, one dimension may seem more at balance compared to others at different times, it is important to maintain harmony in all. Each dimension can affect and influence the other and the neglect of any one dimension for any length of time can have an adverse effect one's overall well-being.
Who are you really without the things you do daily? The clothes you wear? The things you buy? The people whom you choose to spend your time with? Who are you without your overloaded schedule? Your appointments? Your responsibilities to be a “successful” citizen of this world we live in that we have come to call life?