The physical dimension recognizes the need for regular physical activity. Physical development promotes learning about diet and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. It is better to consume foods and beverages that enhance good health rather than those which impair it. Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows one to get through daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Optimal physical wellness is met through a combination of good exercise and eating habits. Improving physical wellness consists of building physical strength, flexibility and endurance while taking safety precautions including medical self-care and appropriate use of a medical system as well as protecting oneself from injuries and harm. The physical dimension of wellness involves personal responsibility, disease prevention, and care for minor illnesses and also knowing when professional medical attention is needed. Being physically fit and feeling physically well often leads to the psychological benefits of enhanced self-esteem, self control, determination and a sense of direction.
Tips and suggestions for optimal physical wellness:
1. Exercise daily.
2. Get adequate sleep.
3. Prevent injuries by using seat belts, wearing helmets, and other protective equipment.
4. Learn to recognize early signs of illness and prevent diseases.
5. Practice safe sex, if sexually active.
6. Eat a variety of healthy foods and control meal portions.
7. Use alcohol in moderation if at all.
8. Quit smoking or continue to refrain from smoking and protect from second-hand smoke.
9. Strive to reach and maintain a healthy weight.